Wellness Resources For Emergency Department Physicians

Make no mistake, our jobs are tough!

Working in the Emergency Department is a unique environment with its own unique set of challenges.

The resources contained in this website were designed to address wellness, self-care, and seek to boost morale and teamwork in the emergency room.

Be sure to check out the Weekly Wellness Newsletter for weekly tips offering small, simple, daily actions, physicians can take to improve their wellness.

More coming soon!

Please check back as articles and additional resouces will be added to the site soon. As new items are added, it will be featured here to provide easy access to the latest content.

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Weekly Wellness 9/23/2022

"Do right. Do your best. Treat others as you want to be treated." - Lou Holtz

I recently started working at an academic center. It is amazing being surrounded by so many intelligent people, up to date on the latest evidence and procedures, doing new exciting research.

But it also can be intimidating. Sometimes I walk out of a shift feeling dejected, like everyone knows more than me. I read, I study, I always continue to learn, but it seems like a never ending amount of knowledge to acquire.

So lately, when I feel that way, I ask myself, "Did I do my best? Was I kind?".

I can't read every medical journal. I can't go to every medical conference. I can't know everything.

But I can always be kind. I can always do my best. And if I remind myself that I did those things, I can walk out of a shift with my head held high.

WEEKLY WELLNESS TIP: If you're ever feeling like you're not good enough, ask yourself, "Did I do my best? Was I kind?". If you answer yes to both of those, you're doing just fine.