Weekly Wellness 1/29/2016

When tragedy strikes, we often don't know what to say. Whether it's in our personal lives, among co-workers, or when giving patients a life changing diagnosis, many of us struggle with the "right thing to say".

The truth is, there is no right thing to say. I didn't learn this growing up. I didn't learn this in medical school. But one day, someone said something simple and profound:

I'm sorry.
That's terrible.
What can I do to help?

In a crisis, when faced with devastating loss, often people just need to know that you recognize their suffering, you sympathize or empathize, and you're available for whatever they need.

WEEKLY WELLNESS TIP: When tragedy strikes, there is never a right thing to say. By showing genuine sympathy, empathy, offering help, and listening, you can help someone more than you'll ever know.