Weekly Wellness 12/24/2015

Many of us have a hard time asking for help. It may be due to ego and not wanting to come across as weak. It may be because we've never had to do it before, and it makes us uncomfortable. It may be because we don't want to feel like we're burdening others with our problems.

Whatever the reason, at some point, we all need help. People aren't meant to handle difficult situations alone. It's not only not a sign of weakness to ask for help. It's a sign of strength to know your limitations, and have the humility to do so.

You've likely surrounded yourself with people who love you and would never want you to struggle. And your residency leaders, mentors, and faculty members are more than willing to help with any situation.

WEEKLY WELLNESS TIP: We all find ourselves in situations where we need help. This week, recognize your own personal barriers to asking for help, and reach out to others for their support.