Weekly Wellness 8/3/2022

"Work-life balance is not an entitlement or benefit. Your company cannot give it to you. You have to create it for yourself" - Matthew Kelly

There are many things making our work lives difficult that are out of our control. But there are many things we can control by the choices we make.

How do you feel when you hear the 'ding' of a work email notification outside of work? How do your loved ones feel? When you read that email, does it cause you undo stress? Do you feel an obligation to reply right away, despite being at the park, eating dinner with family, watching a movie, etc?

I have a challenge for you this week. Take your email off of your phone. Don't have it automatically pop up on your computer. If you need to check your email outside of work, dedicate a specific time and space to do so. It is important that we're not always 'on'. That people don't expect us always to be 'on'. Consider taking back your home life by keeping it separate from your work life.

WEEKLY WELLNESS TIP: This week, consider taking your email off your phone, and only checking it at designated times. See how your mood and stress level is affected by not always being 'on'.