Weekly Wellness 2/23/2022

"What's the point of complaining. It just makes the people around you feel bad too" - Suzanne Brockmann, Out of Control

Many people are uncomfortable with silence. When we are surrounded by others, at work, or in a social situation, many of us begin to shift uncomfortably when there's a quiet moment.

So we speak. But often, when we don't know what to talk about, we default to complaining. Complaining about work. About our spouses. About our neighbors. For many of us, the default silence breaker is a complaint.

While we often get validation for our complaints, with stories from others about similar things that bother them, is that really how we want to spend our time with others?

WEEKLY WELLNESS TIP: This week, if you find yourself or others complaining to break the silence or pass the time, try to talk instead about the good things in your life. See how the mood of everyone is lifted when we share in our happiness instead of our woes.