Weekly Wellness 11/17/2021

"My core belief is that if you're complaining about something for more than three minutes, two minutes ago you should have done something about it" - Caitlin Moran

This week, I have a challenge for you. Pay attention. Every time someone complains about something, take note. Everywhere you go, at home, at work, at the store, take note.

And don't forget yourself. Take note when a complaint is about to leave your lips.

Do any of these complaints help the situation? Do they improve the situation? Do they improve people's moods? Or does complaining about something simply make everyone feel worse, and spread negative energy?

WEEKLY WELLNESS TIP: This week, take note of all the complaints you hear. And before you decide to complain about something, ask yourself, is this going to improve the situation? If not, think twice if it's something you want to share.