Weekly Wellness 8/12/2021

"When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone" - Mr Rogers

Emergency workers aren't supposed to be scared, right?
Emergency workers aren't supposed to get overwhelmed, right?

We're the tough ones. We see anything that walks through the door, be it a gunshot wound to the chest, a young covid patient needing intubation, or a blue baby needing resuscitation, we handle it all.

But those things are scary. And those things are upsetting. And there are a lot of scary and upsetting things in the emergency room. And pretending like our job isn't sometimes emotionally overwhelming does not contribute to our wellness.

Who do you talk to about the upsetting things in your life?

WEEKLY WELLNESS TIP: This week, talk to someone honestly about how you're feeling. This job is scary. This job is overwhelming, especially now. We all need to talk to someone about our feelings.