Weekly Wellness 8/26/2020

"You don't have to be positive or feel happy all the time. You are human, not a robot" - Miss Mental

Wellness is often confused with happiness. Wellness does not mean you are happy, bubbly, smiling, and in a good mood at all times.

It's normal to feel angry when you are disrespected or your concerns are dismissed.

It's normal to feel sad when a case goes poorly, you have a poor interaction with a colleague, or for absolutely no reason at all.

Having a wide array of feelings is healthy and normal. Feeling sad, worried, angry, are all part of being human. As long as these feelings aren't dominating your life and overall well-being, know that you are doing just fine.

WEEKLY WELLNESS TIP: This week, don't pretend to be happy if you're not. Don't force yourself to smile if you're sad. Be comfortable in however you feel, and know that changing emotions are normal and healthy.